Sample Interview Questions to ask prospective teacher of English who wish to teach at university

Interview Questions to ask prospective teacher of English

1.  Giving clear instruction before students are asked to do thing is one of the important factors in classroom’s teaching. It is worth remembering that the best activity in the world is a waste of time if the students don’t understand what they are supposed to do. Therefore teacher needs to make sure that the instruction is clear to all the students. Tell us how you cross-check that your students understand your instruction well.

2.    A good teacher is a person who possesses quite a lot of characteristic. Tell us about a few characteristics that make a good teacher. Give some example if possible.

3.    Correcting students’ mistakes is one of the vital parts of the teacher’s role, but teachers have to be cautious when correcting the students. If we do it without care, we can to some extent upset our students, damage their confidence or discourage them for the next response. Please tell us about your best strategies for correcting students in an effective way.

4.    Perhaps the teacher’s most important instrument is voice. How we speak and what our voice sounds like really have a crucial impact on our students. Tell us how you should use your voice in the class so that so that you can provoke students’ interest in you and your teaching.

5.    If you encounter the situation in which a few students are not interested in your teaching and they start to make noise in the classroom. And indeed making noise from those few students can hinder other students’ attention on your teaching. Tell us how you handle that situation?

6.    Tell us about your strength and weaknesses.

7.    In the teacher-centered classroom, a teacher plays an only role as person who transmits the knowledge and information to students. But today we prefer student-centered approach because it is more effective for both teaching and learning. In the student-centered method, a teacher has many roles to play. Tell us a few roles of the teacher in this approach and give some examples if necessary.

8.    Teaching is the interaction process between teachers and students. In the past teacher taught students usually by using solely his verbal communication and this kind of communication still continues to play an important role in today’s teaching process. However, in the modern day’s teaching, teacher recognizes the great value of instructional aids. They include taps, OHPs, LCDs, flashcards and so on. And they are used as aids to effective teaching and learning. Therefore, tell us some advantages of employing audiovisual aids for your teaching.

9.    If you teach a classroom in which students have different level of English-some are good and some are poor. Therefore, tell us how you teach so that all students can understand your lesson well? 

10.  What will you be doing in the next 5 year period? 

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