Sample Essay Writing about the topic "Key Factors to Running a Successful Business"

An Essay written by a group of students of English 

Topic: Key factors to running effective and successful business. 

Some people prefer running their own business rather than working for others. As a business man, one needs to know what factors that can lead their business to prosper. I believe that a successful business depends upon three important factors-clear business plan, capital and knowledge, skills and experience.

One of the factors that leads to a successful business is to have a clear business plan. It is important for every business to have a definite, clear plan. The plan covers capital, human resources and materials needed to run a business. With an accurate plan, it will not waste us time and money and we just follow what are mentioned in the plan. In short, it is necessary for every business to prepare a very good plan ahead of running the business.

The second factor that makes you succeed in business is having enough capital. Without sufficient capital, one cannot launch a business because the establishment of businesses is to do with cost or expense. We need money to support the business operation such as buying materials, paying building rent and tax, giving pay for staff and many more.

The final important element that brings prosperity to a business is having knowledge, skills and experience. In doing a successful business, we cannot keep doing the same thing and having the same idea. We need frequent changes to our place and policy so as our business progresses well. In order to bring changes and develop, one needs to be knowledgeable.

To summarize, most people believe in the three main factors of running a successful in business. They think that if they put these factors into consideration, their business will become better and in turns get a lot of profits. As a result, they can keep their own business to the next generation for their family.  

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